Community Hospitals
• 08:00 - 20:00 seven days week, refer via Acute GP
• Step up admission from primary care to community beds is via the CATU services and are for:
a defined PURPOSE: Rehabilitation, Respite, Palliative Care/Symptom Control (vs further investigation),
a Robust DIAGNOSIS* and Management plan appropriate for community care
CLEAR COMMUNICATED CONTEXT: normal level of function, capacity, PMHx, Meds/Allergies, Social situation (POC/family situation), rehab potential, special input need (bariatric, confusion, infection risk, nursing need)
Who assessed the patient, and when - is there an agreed, communicated ceiling of care?
FORWARD PLANNING: End of life care, just in case meds, syringe driver form, expected death form, TEP form
ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS: transport and referring doctor letter/email
*This requires a robust diagnosis where further investigation is unlikely to impact management (off legs/confused
?cause are not appropriate)
• Temporary nightsitter placement: there may be provision for this through the STRATA
• Step Down admission from ED to community beds, requirements as above plus: MAC/MAP/TTOs
• Once the triage assessment has been made:
AGP contacts CATU
Discusses suitability of referral
Check availability and location of community bed ie ward and contact details (below)
Check level at which handover is required (Dr-Dr, Dr-Nurse in charge, Nurse-Nurse)
• Contact referring clinician with outcome of referral and agreed steps
• Referring clinician to arrange transport if the admission is going to be delayed for any reason
• Finally, for any admission AGP to consider whether their clinical notes should be made available to receiving ward (email addresses below, this is typically good practice).
• Ensure notes are robust, with a clear timeline and agreement as to areas of responsibility