Reviewed 22/1/2015 Dr R Cook
Pneumonia Management
Early administration of antibiotics is essential.
For patients presenting with symptoms of LRTI in primary care if after clinical assessment a diagnosis of pneumonia has not been made consider point of care testing of CRP(or lab CRP if seen in acute GP clinic)
CRP<20 Do not routinely offer antibiotics.
CRP 20-100 Consider delayed prescription
CRP>100 offer antibiotics
NICE guidance CG191: Pneumonia
Maintain fluid balance. Rest, drink plenty of fluids and do not smoke.
Give simple analgesia for pleuritic pain eg. paracetamol .
Consider oxygen prescription if SpO2<92% and admission not appropriate. Home oxygen can be arranged within 4 hours via HOOF form.
Review within 48hours or earlier if clinically indicated. Consider CXR if not improving
Antibiotic treatment
Please see the CPFT Adult Antimicrobial Guide and NICE guidance CG191: Pneumonia
Duration of antibiotics
Uncomplicated non-severe pneumonia treat for 5 days and extend if inadequate improvement after 3 days.
Moderate - severe pneumonia without identified organism treat for 7-10 days, increased to 14-21 days if suspected/confirmed legionella,staphylococcal, or gram –ve enteric bacilli.
Convert iv antibiotics to oral once improving based on:
Resolution of fever for >24hours
Pulse rate <100
Resolution of tachypnoea
Clinically hydrated and taking oral fluids
Absence of hypotension
Absence of hypoxia
Improving white cell count
Non-bacteraemic infection
No microbiological evidence of legionella, staphylococcal or gram –ve enteric bacilli infection
No concerns over gastro-intestinal absorption