Incorporating: Acute GP, SDEC, UTC
Please see clinical pathways for guidelines on specific conditions
KCCG Antibiotic Guidelines (Jan 2024)
Alternatives if patient ambulatory, stable and requiring iv antibiotics
note: MUST have transport there and away and clinical responsibility remains with referring GP:
a. Falmouth Day Hospital: may be able to arrange same-day or next day iv. Also can do bloods (not same day). GP referral direct with comm px/ letter/ profile. (01326 430015 or cft.faldayhospital@nhs.net)
b. WCH Urgent Care: can offer iv abs and bloods. Same day or next day depending on capacity. Can do full course if necessary. Call WCH UC direct to discuss. Earlier in the day the better. (01736 874110)
c. CRCH Urgent Care: can provide initial dose iv abs and POC bloods depending on capacity. Please call AGP service who can arrange with urgent care.