Incorporating: Acute GP, SDEC, UTC
PPE National guidance
The National Guidance on PPE has now been updated and can be accessed here. The rationale for the change is that we are now seeing Covid-19 circulating in the community at higher rates with healthcare workers being subject to repeated risk of contact and droplet transmission during their daily work. The guidance also reflects the need for enhanced protection of patients in vulnerable groups undergoing shielding.
Whilst the changes identify an increased level of protection, it is important that PPE is worn correctly and sensibly - masks must not be dangling under the chin or be below the nose and should not be worn by staff walking along corridors. The removal of PPE is of utmost importance as this can be the time when cross infection can occur. The following links provide the correct guidance on how to don and doff PPE in all situations correctly.
PPE use for aerosol generating procedures
PPE use for non-aerosol generating procedures
You can send through any PPE questions to rcht.coronavirus@nhs.net