Incorporating: Acute GP, SDEC, UTC
Acute Surgical Referrals
Calls are via RCH switchboard 01872 250000 ask to bleep the General Surgical SHO on Bleep 2961; if they do not answer on the second attempt, ask to bleep the Surgical Registrar
Patients who are currently stable but need urgent surgical review can be booked into the St Mawes Unit for review at 10am by a Surgical Registrar.
Specialty circumstances in-hours (out of hours, General surgery cover all of these):
If patients present with breast abscess discuss with the Clinician in the Mermaid Unit. The patient will either be seen in the Mermaid clinic or in the St Mawes unit.
Stoma nurses (ask via switchboard) can review stoma problems in the St Mawe's Ambulatory area.
For young women <50 years with pelvic pain please consider a gynaecological cause and discuss with Gynae Registrar via switchboard
Anal fissures if not infected – advise rectogesic/anoheal with oral analgesics and movicol. Consider amitriptyline at night.
Thrombosed haemorrhoids– advise patient to sit on frozen peas and take oral analgesia.
For difficult catheter problems the Urology Specialist Nurse may be able to help bleeping 2220 via switchboard
Patients with D&V can go to St Mawes but please inform SHO/Registrar if likely to need a side room.